Central Montana Panels, LLC
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4 Rail Continuous Fence
5 Rail Continuous Fence
6 Rail Continuous Fence
Fence Ends, Posts & Caps
CMP Steel Continuous Fence
Steel Continuous Fence is a very cost effective and durable choice for today's fencing needs.

Standard Duty Continuous Fence:  1 1/4" 14 ga
Heavy Duty Continuous Fence: 1 5/8" 14 ga

Built in 20' & 24' Lengths        3 Rail up to 7 Rail 
CMP 4 Rail Steel Continuous Fence is 37" tall with 10" spacing between rails.
Perfect for Perimeter Fence.
Our 5 Rail Steel Continuous Fence is 48" tall with 10" spacing between rails.
Ideal for low pressure areas and used the most for horses.
The 6 Rail Steel Continuous Fence is 48" tall with 8" spacing between rails.
Most popular for Corrals & high pressure areas.
Fence Ends slide into the end of your fence run for an attractive & safe finish.
Steel Posts & Caps also available at CMP
​Our Steel Continuous Fence is connected using 8" couplers for quick & simple installation and come free with each fence order.

At CMP we use 5/8" solid rod for our vertical stays.  We bend the top & bottom in for added strength and animal safety.  There are 4 stays on a 20' Fence and 5 on a 24' Fence
Steel Continuous Fence is versatile, easily bolted to wood fence posts with our durable Fence Clips 
or welded directly to steel posts.